
Friday, August 21, 2009

Rainbow Fish Batik Paper


Koi Fish brush

1. Open a new canvas for a 3600 x 3600 paper.

2. Select the rainbow gradient that comes with Paint Shop Pro and fill the canvas.

Angle = 315
Style = Linear
Invert = Checked
Texture = Unchecked

3. Use the Wave deformation (Effects > Distortion Effects > Wave) to streak the paper.

Horizontal displacement
Amplitude = 0
Wavelength = 10

Vertical displacement
Amplitude = 4
Wavelength = 10

Edge mode = Repeat

4. Gaussian blur to soften the waves.

Radius = 50.00

5. Create a new layer and call it Grain. Change the blend mode to Soft Light.

6. Go to the materials palette and select black as your color and canvas coarse as your texture.

Color = #000000
Texture = Checked
Texture Pattern = Canvas Coarse
Texture Angle = 0
Scale = 250

7. Fill the new layer with black.

8. Go to the Paint Brush tool and load the HGG Koi brush. Make sure that Load Variance is checked.

9. With Load Variance checked, the brush should have set the parameters on the Brush Variance palette. If not, here are the parameters.

Color blend = Normal, 50
Hue = Normal, 0
Saturation = Normal, 0
Lightness = Normal, 0
Size = Normal, 0
Opacity = Normal, 0
Rotation = Oscillating Fade, 50
Density = Normal, 0
Fade rate = 100
Position jitter = 20
Impression per step = 1
Scale = Unchecked

10. Set the foreground color to white and make sure that the canvas coarse texture is selected.

Color = #FFFFFF
Texture = Checked
Texture Pattern = Canvas Coarse
Texture Angle = 0
Scale = 250

11. Set the background color to the rainbow gradient and make sure that the canvas coarse texture is selected.

Angle = 315
Style = Linear
Invert = Checked
Texture = Checked
Texture Pattern = Canvas Coarse
Texture Angle = 0
Scale = 250

Your materials palette should look like this:

12. Create a new layer. I named it White Brush.

13. Left click on the White Brush layer with the paint brush. This causes you to paint predominantly with the foreground color, but due to the settings of the brush variance, it will blend in the background color. Paint the canvas with fish.

14. Create a new layer. I named it Rainbow Brush.

15. Right click on the Rainbow Brush layer with the paint brush. This causes you to paint predominantly with the background color, but due to the settings of the brush variance, it will blend in the foreground color. This is the opposite of step 12. Paint the canvas with fish.

The Rainbow Fish Batik Paper is now complete. I have included the paper that I made for this tutorial in the supplies zip if anyone wants to use it.


  1. Thank you Spencer for another wonderful tutorial...I use the aqua gradient and it tuned out awesome! What are the TOU's for using the paper and Koi brush?

  2. The paper is non-commercial use. The Koi brush is CU.
