
Friday, September 26, 2008

Terms of Use

I am currently releasing the digital scrap that I make into the internet jungle under Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 3.0 United States License which means that I am allowing free sharing and remixing of my digital scrap. You may copy, distribute, or display my digital scrap. You may use it in tutorials. You may also make any changes to my digital scrap as you see fit. I ask that you give me credit by either mentioning my blog, Humbug Graphics Galore or Spencer Aloysius. However, I ask that you do not create commercial items with my digital scrap unless I make a special exclusion for the specific piece of digital scrap.

I make my digital scrap for entertainment and I share it with the internet at large because it is fun to see my stuff roaming about in various incarnations. I do not insist on attribution, but it is nice and I'm flattered when people mention that I created an item. Because I share my stuff for free and I believe in the "Free Net", I prefer that items created from my scrap remain free. Also, the alpha collecting/tagging world where many alphas are created with graphics originally made by others, I ask that my alphas not be used for commercial purposes because this would be breaking the copyright of the original artist. That is also why I do not share my graphic alphas on this blog because then it wouldn't be personal use. However, I can see that in the digital scrap world, the idea of commerical use is very important since so many people run little shops where they sell their scrap. For that reason, on occasion, I will designate a particular item commercial use ok.

However, unlike the majority of digi-scrappers, I do not intend to ever produce digital scrap as anything other than hobby. I do not intend to re-coup my personal monetary losses through sales of my work. Therefore, all items offered on the Humbug Graphics Galore blog will be free. If you wish to contact me about my terms of use, you will find my email at the bottom of my entry about the pixel pusher.


  1. Hi! My name is Nina, and I really enjoy this blog of yours, and also the fact that it's for free, because it really helps out when you're just starting out! I was wondering if there is any way I can contact you, through e-mail perhaps, concerning filter forge? I have searched after a mailing adress to you personally, but I guess I'm too blond to find it! :D LOL! Well, I have a resolution for you, regarding this plugin, so please feel free to contact me about it, because you are giving so much away, I'd like to return the favor! Hugs Nina

  2. I have a question about your tuts, could you please email me or tell me how to reach you. Thanks so much.

    Iammarcie@gmail DOT com

  3. Hi!
    Thanks for sharing all your scraps for free!

    I've read your TOU and It's ok for me. Thanks again!

  4. I have a question.
    The point is that we open a small scrap school and the question is whether I should translate some of the tutorials into German and is allowed to use for school.
    Of course with a copy of the original note tutorials.

    LG Nicky

  5. Please do not translate my tutorials and make money from them. You may translate my tutorials if your school is free and does not charge money.

  6. Hello,
    I love your tutorials. But I have a question is there any way to contact you via email? Or maybe you could contact me.

    Thanks so much for offering these tutorials.
