So, the original version of the script was not what the person was looking for. The mitered corners need to be mirrors of each other across the cut. Therefore, I've modified the original script to mirror the mitered corners. I have not had this script tested, but I am 99% confident that it should work in all versions of PSP from 9 on up. Please leave a comment if it doesn't.
Hello and Thank you for this script...
ReplyDeleteHey, this is cool! Thanks! From a PSP X2 user (in case you're keeping track of versions or anything)
ReplyDeleteHere it is in use:
Thanks for sharing, Lime. Very cool layout. I'm glad the script works for you.
ReplyDeleteWorks just perfect in my psp9 :) Thank you for sharing :)
ReplyDeleteOnce again, seriously cool! I use PSP 11 and it works perfectly.