
Saturday, January 23, 2010

Bottle Cap

I was investigating the different Chrome filters and effects on bottle caps, so I decided to write up this comparison of the different filters.


Bottle Cap Custom Shape

1.  My bottle cap shape is 600 x 600.  If you make your bottle cap a larger or smaller size, then you will need to adjust the size of the bevel.

Paint Shop Pro
2.  For Paint Shop Pro, I used the Gear 5 Preset Shape.  It is part of the Basic Shapes.

Create As Vector = Checked
Anti-alias = Checked

3.  Get the selection from the vector object.

4.  Create a new raster layer (Layers > New Raster Layer).

5.  Apply one of the following plugins:

Eye Candy 5 Impact - Chrome

Bevel width = 36.00
Bevel Height = 50
Smoothness = 30.00
Round Corners = 0
Bevel Placement = Inside Selection
Reflection Map = Abstract - Stainless Steel
Blur = 80

Direction = 115
Inclinination = 64
Hightlight Brightness = 75
Highlight Size = 47
Highlight Color = White
Tint Amount = 0
Tint Color = White
Surface = None

Bevel Profile = Flat

Final product:

Eye Candy 4000 - Chrome

Reflection Map = Roadside.tif
Bevel Width = 36.00
Bevel Height Scale = 50
Smoothness = 50
Ripple Thickness = 3
Ripple Width = 300.00
Bevel Placement = Inside marquee
Random Seed = 1

Direction = 135
Inclination = 45
Highlight Brightness = 100
Highlight Size = 40
Highlight Color = White
Tint Amount = 100
Tint Color = White

Bevel Profile = Button

Final product:

6.  Or, fill the selection with grey (#c0c0c0).

7.  Apply a the inner bevel effect (Effects > 3D Effects > Inner Bevel).

Bevel = 1
Width = 25
Smoothness = 10
Depth = 10
Ambience = 0
Shininess = 30
Color = White
Angle = 0
Intensity = 30
Elevation = 40

8.  Apply the Chrome Effect (Effects > Artistic Effects > Chrome).

Flaws = 4
Brightness = 50
Use original color = Unchecked
Color = White

Final product:

2.  Photoshop does not come with a custom shape suitable for creating a bottle cap.  You can either create your own or use mine.  Select the custom shape, set the color to #c0c0c0, and draw out the bottle cap on the canvas.

3.  Add a bevel, a contour and a gradient overlay style.

Style = Inner Bevel
Technique = Chisel Hard
Depth = 100
Direction = Up
Size = 25
Soften = 0
Angle = 90
Use Global Light = Unchecked
Altitude = 16
Gloss Contour = Flat
Anti-aliased = Unchecked
Highlight Mode = Screen
Highlight Color = White
Highlight Opacity = 75

Shadow Mode = Multiply
Shadow Color = Black
Shadow Opacity = 75

Contour = Flat
Anti-aliased = Unchecked
Range = 50

Blend mode = Screen
Opacity = 100
Style = Linear
Angle = 125
Scale = 52
The gradient that I used is part of the metals set that comes with Photoshop.  You can load the metal gradients by clicking the arrow on the gradients to expand the menu, then clicking the triangle in the upper-right corner and selecting Metals from the drop-down menu.

4.  Go to the layer palette and right-click on the layer effects.  Select create layers to generate separate layers for all the styles.

The layer palette will look like this after the separate layers have been generated.

5.  Merge visible.

6.  Use the Chrome Filter (Filter > Sketch > Chrome).

Detail = 4
Smoothness = 1

Final product:

Filter Forge - Bottlecap
1.  There is no need to make a shape for this filter.  Instead, fill the canvas with your choice of color.  I made mine grey (#c0c0c0).

2.  Open up the Filter Forge plugin.

3.  Apply the Bottle Cap filter.  I used the third factory preset supplied with the filter.

Final product:


  1. Thanks for the bottle cap tut. I think the Filter Forge plugin brings the best results by far. More realistic looking in my opinion.

  2. Thanks for this tut. Very easy and great results.

  3. Thank you for freebies. Link on your post was added to Lori's freebie list

  4. Thank you so much for this Freebie. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in CBH Digital Scrapbooking Freebies, under the Page 3 post on Jan. 24, 2010. Thanks again.

  5. Wow that Filter Forge one is gorgeous. o.o I wish I could afford it.

  6. Thanks for sharing your tutorial with us, your helping me with PS a lot :-)

  7. I just started a little brew-log for my wife and I. It's a personal site for our beer homebrewing ventures and I wanted to make a simple logo as it was ultra-bland - note that I'm decidely NOT a graphically inclined ;) I snagged this bottlecap graphic and made the logo found here:

    Thanks for the freebie :D

  8. Oooh, nice brews. Thanks for showing me what you did with the bottlecap!

  9. Thank you very much.

  10. had not problems downloading supplies.thanks for the tutorial
