
Friday, September 11, 2009

Dotted Paper

This tutorial will show you how to easily make paper covered in different colored dots in Paint Shop Pro.  I think it is a lot easier to make polka-dotted paper in PSP than in Photoshop.

1.  Open a new canvas the size of your paper.  I made mine 3600 x 3600.

2.  Fill the canvas with a color of your choice (I used #f0d7a1).

3.  Go to the Halftone Effect (Effects > Artistic Effects > Halftone) and make a single layer of dots.

Halftone pattern = Round
Size = 100
Screen angles = 137
Use as overlay = Checked
Blend mode = Normal
Opacity = 70
Color Scheme= Greyscale
Ink = Any Color (I used #e3986e)
Transparent = Checked

4.  Return to the Halftone Effect and add a second layer of dots.  This time decrease the size, increase the opacity, change the color and change the screen angle.

Halftone pattern = Round
Size = 75
Screen angles = 85
Use as overlay = Checked
Blend mode = Normal
Opacity = 85
Color Scheme= Greyscale
Ink = Any Color (I used #edbd4f)
Transparent = Checked

5.  You can stop at dots in 2 colors or you can add another layer of colored dots with the Halftone Effect.  If you add a third color, decrease the size, increase the opacity, change the color and change the screen angle.

Halftone pattern = Round
Size = 50
Screen angles = 32
Use as overlay = Checked
Blend mode = Normal
Opacity = 100
Color Scheme= Greyscale
Ink = Any Color (I used #b9818a)
Transparent = Checked

The dotted paper is now complete.

I wrote up a script that will make any sized paper covered in three colors of dots.  The script also randomly generates the screen angle in the halftone effect, so no two papers created with the script will be the same.


  1. Thank you so much for this Freebie. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in Creative Busy Hands Scrapbook Freebies Search List, under the Page 4 post on Sep. 12, 2009. Thanks again.

  2. Thank you so much for this blog, I found the tutorials to be so helpful!

  3. thank you so much for the tutorials! I am so glad to find some I can follow and do and LEARN!

  4. Thanks I've just tried this out and loved it

  5. thank you for the script. cant wait to try it.

  6. Oh Wow!!! What a GREAT Script!!! Another GREAT Script I should say. No two dotted papers will be the same, love, love that. You are the GREATEST!!!! Thank you!
