
Monday, March 9, 2009

Seamless Glitter in ArtRage

This tutorial will show you how to remove seams using ArtRage. Unless you have a perfect hand and can color without going over the edges of your canvas, it is impossible to create a seamless image in ArtRage alone. To make a seamless glitter tile using ArtRage, you will need a second program. I have listed the various options in step 4.

1. Open a new painting in ArtRage (this tutorial uses ArtRage 2.5). The tutorial uses a 600 x 600 image at 72 dpi.

2. Fill the canvas with glitter. Click on the image to see my settings or use your own.

3. Export the image. I prefer to export as PNG.

4. Now, the edges of the image must be swapped with the middle. This is accomplished by offsetting the vertical and horizontal by 50%. You can perform this action several ways though all require opening up the image in a different program. See the list.

A. Offset with Paint Shop Pro

Go to Effects > Image Effects > Offset.

Horizontal offset = 300 (Or 50% the width of your image)
Vertical offset = 300 (Or 50% the height of your image)
Center = checked
Edge Mode = Wrap

NOTE: When you select center, the horizontal and vertical offset numbers will automatically change to be half of your image size.

B. Offset with Photoshop

Go to Filter > Other > Offset.

Horizontal = +300 (or 50% of your image width)
Vertical = +300 (or 50% of your image height)
Undefined Areas = Wrap Around

C. Simple Filters - Half Wrap

Simple Filters is a plugin for PSP (and perhaps Photoshop as well). The Half Wrap moves the image 50% down and 50% to the right.

D. Teph's Tricks - Wrap Filters

The Offset Wrap filter from Teph's Tricks is a plugin for PSP and Photoshop.

X Offset = 128
Y Offset = 128

Or you can use Slide X 50% filter followed by the Slide Y 50% filter. Both of these are also available from Teph's Tricks.

E. Offset with Gimp

Go to Layer > Transform > Offset. Click Offset by x/2, y/2. When you click Offset by x/2, y/2, Gimp will automatically fill in X and Y with the correct numbers.

Edge Behaviour = Wrap Around

F. ImageMagick

The command line option for offsetting in ImageMagick is -roll {+-}x{+-}y

Though, if you are using ImageMagick, then you shouldn't be reading this tutorial because you already know far about image manipulation than this tutorial can provide.

5. Once the image has been offset so that the edges are now in the center, save it and import the image back into ArtRage (File > Import Image). Set Pressure to 14%. This will prevent the glitter from going off the edge of the canvas.

6. Put the glitter cursor at the top center of the image, directly over the seam, but without going over the edge of the canvas.

7. Glitter down the seam to the bottom of the canvas. Make sure not to go off the edge of the canvas. Repeat along the horizontal seam.

Now you have a seamless glitter tile.


  1. This is absolutely cool tutorial. Thanks for sharing.

    Photo manipulation

  2. Thank you! Your blog post will be shared on the
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  3. So cool, I didn't know this program was out there, I love glitter and would love to make it to use for myself.

  4. Thank you. This is just what I have been looking for! ~Sallye~
