
Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Poinsettia Gold

This is what I made for day 3 of the Alpha Advent Calendar. I've also included the paper that I used for the preview. Also, I'm wondering if anyone actually uses the scrap that I make. Someone left an anonymous comment stating that my graphics were too small. However, I would probably have to pay for 4shared space soon if I went to bigger sizes. I don't ask for anything for any of my freebies. I don't ask for people to leave comments though I do appreciate them, but you do not need to leave a comment. The fact that something is downloaded and the 4shared counter goes up by one is enough for me. So, I've decided that if I cannot find 12 examples of my digital scrap in use, I am not going to increase size. Even though this is the season of giving, it isn't worth it to me to pay more for my hobby to make a single anonymous person on the internet happier with my freebies. I'm not that much of a philanthropist. Sad, but true. Thus, I'm asking that if you have used my digital scrap, please leave a comment with a link showing it to me. Honestly, I don't expect to see a dozen examples, but then, I'm a realist.


  1. Thank you! Your blog post will be advertised on the DigiFree Digital Scrapbooking Freebie search engine today (look for timestamp: 02 Dec [LA 09:00pm] - 03 Dec [NY 12:00am, UK 05:00am, OZ 04:00pm] ).

  2. Don't change your goodies!! Thank you! ;)

  3. It always amazes me when people criticize something that people are giving FREELY. I love your alphas. Thanks for sharing of your time and talent. Don't let one anonymous coward get you down.


  4. Thanks for the gorgeous alpha. I have no problems with the size, just with finding the time to be able to use them!

  5. First of all THANKS. The thing is, I love the things that everyone does mainly because I can't do it.........yet. And that they are free means they are gifts. That someone expects thanks kinda ticks me off sometimes. I truly appreciate everything all of you give! Thanks for NOT expecting thanks, but you're getting it anyway! Don't change a thing!
    Love and Blessings!

  6. I think this is lovely and I will definitely use it. Thanks very much. Peg
