
Thursday, October 30, 2008

Political Statement

I usually like to keep my political views separate from my digital creations, but I listened to Sarah Palin decry the wastefulness of fruit fly research today. I yelled at the television when John McCain bashed bear genetics. I yelled at the television when John McCain attacked the Adler Planetarium for needing a new star projector. I don't believe that the Republican ticket believes in science or wants to support scientific research. However, attacking the work horse of the genetic community, Drosophila melangaster, is too much. After hearing Sarah Palin mock fruit fly research and call it a waste of money while simultaneously declaring that understanding autism needed more funding, I felt a need to state just how much I dislike Sarah Palin and the hypocrisy of declaring that research which has produced understanding of autism is pork and doesn't deserve to be funded. Do not attack the fruit fly. The fruit fly is our friend. If we didn't have the fruit fly, we'd be cutting up babies to figure out these scientific truths.

Four years ago, I feared that the economy would be ruined if Bush was re-elected. My fears have been realized. If Sarah Palin should become Vice President, I fear that scientific progress will come to a halt in the United States.


  1. I not only hate her. I'll probably go to hell for that alone! But, I am terrified of her. I am quite sure that she is not one iota smarter than me, and I have no business being a heart beat away from being the leader of the country. I hope that I get to go and listen to Obama in Springfield, MO tomorrow night. Rage on sister! Patty

  2. Oh I laughed so hard at this one! Thanks for the Alpha. I think Palin is going to lose the election for McCain. She's scarey bad.

  3. well, they do support science- the kind that can be used in warfare. TY for the alpha!!

  4. This woman hasn't done anything to you and doesn't deserve this kind of hate. Keep your views to yourself and go ahead and elect Barak Hussein Obama, the anti-American, Muslim. You deserve what you get. I am very much offended by your remarks and resent seeing them on a scrapbook site that I visit every day for enjoyment rather than attacks on my views.

  5. I have never seen your blog before, nor do I ever intend to come here again, but I just had to speak for the sane Americans who believe in high moral standards and working for a living. I for one was appalled when I saw your “I hate Sarah Palin” alpha listed on DigiFree and I wanted to wretch! Are you really that naïve… or have you been living in a vacuum? I pray to God Almighty that Obama isn’t elected, because if he is the United States as we know it will cease to exist, and before you know it we will all be speaking Arabic. He is not your savior he is the anti-Christ. And before you go assuming that I am some dumb uneducated redneck from Oklahoma…don’t. I am a college educated professional. A CPA and I own my business. It scares me to death to think that there really are people in America that think like you do… But aside from all of that, exectally what qualifications and/or experience do you think that Obama possesses to lead the greatest national in the world…. I would like to know?! This is a quote…"Obama is the Anti-Christ. This is the evidence: 1.- He will come as a man of Peace (Obama promises peace in Iraq, defeat for the US)2.- He will come mounted on a white Female horse(Obama mother is white who had 6 African husbands) 3.- He will come to deceive( Obama says he's a Christian but in fact he was born a Muslim, practices the Islamic religion, prays Friday’s facing Mecca)4.- He will make himself the most powerful man on earth, if elected. 5.- He will try to destroy the Jewish People and Israel( Obama has said he loves the Arabs specially the Palestinians, hates Israel and Jews. Admires Hitler, Osama etc) 6.- He will present himself as good and righteous but in fact he's Satan himself. Violence is in his heart 7.- Obama will help Al Qaida in its evil projects. 8.- Barack Hussein Obama is the “King of the South” predicted in the Bible.(Daniel .11, Kenya is south of Jerusalem)"

  6. I don't know you, but I think I love you ;)

    I saw this listed on a freebie site & I just had to comment. This totally made my morning.

    And seeing all the comments from the religious freaks just make it all the better. Stay strong & have a great day!

  7. You are a brave woman and I agree with you completely. Looks like most of the other posters do too. If people are willing to believe the lies about Obama, it's at their own peril. Stay strong and pray for a better tomorrow on November 4.

    BTW...I also love your alphas.

  8. You last sentence..."If we didn't have the fruit fly, we'd be cutting up babies to figure out these scientific truths."
    Last time I read the facts Obama voted FOR using babies for scientific research. facts do not change even if you choose to ignore them. I for one am not jealous of the hard working U.S citizens who worked hard to make the salaries they get. You earn the money, keep your money. Let Obama put his own money towards making a big dent in the trillion dollar debt he wants to add! The government never gives unless they want something in return. Remember that when Obama like all other candidates fail to keep his promises. Keep America free, out of socialist hands!

  9. I think that you posting this was totally unprofessional, and I have to say that I will never visit your blog again.

  10. Thanks much for the lovely bone alphabet. The name is what attracted me to it and after reading your message, I have to say I agree 100%.

    I think she's dangerous and in no way qualified to become VP of the USA. And heaven help us all if McCain's elected and he dies in office. Then we're *really* in trouble.

  11. I'm jumping in again to say thanks again for posting what you did and please don't allow your feelings to be hurt by hateful responses to your post. I think you're wonderful and I think I'm going to have to add you the list of blogs I visit on a regular basis instead of popping over via DigiFree.

    Oh, and I'm mrs_sweetpeach on LiveJournal. For some reason blogger refuses to let me in with my OpenID today.

  12. AMEN SISTER! I agree with Pattamomma, and Beb, and Sara, and state that any person who has 2 grains of common sense between their ears understands and knows that people like palin are dangerous as they can bring down the walls on us while they display their ignorance, God Help us, and GO VOTE OBAMA before its too late

  13. thank for the alpha and thanks for your bravery is stating what you believe even if it may be unpopular. I'm proud to hear from people who look into her policies instead of supporting her hate mongering.

    many blessings

  14. Wow, I have to say, you go girl, in this day and age it is ridiculous that religious fanatics think they still have the right to freak out and try to suppress people everytime someone posts an opinion different than theirs. They should be ashamed of their holier than thou attitudes and no matter how educated they consider themselves to be, they show how truely retarded they are to suggest that anyone, including obama is the antichrist. It's just blatant stupidity and unfortunately you cant fix stupid, especially religious stupidity. Although I dont hate palin and mccain, because hate is a strong word, I do think they would be the biggest mistake we could make, for them to stand on a stage and tell us how they are going to re-make america into their image of what it should be, only translates into how they are not concerned with equality or diversity, let alone everyones rights to be themselves. Anyway, I just wanted to say you have the right to speak your own mind on your own blog and those who are offened are not being forced to visit here, so get over yourselves and stay away if you dont like it!

  15. Every single one of you are missing the point Elizabeth was trying to make. It's about HATE.. Do you honestly think its okay to hate someone you don't even know? "I hate Sarah Palin" what is that crap! Hate her for what? Because she is an intelligent, beautiful, education successful woman? Geez pull your heads out... and what is that crap about her not being qualified! Please PLEASE explain to me how Obama is qualified to lead the most powerful country in the world. The day that a frickin anti-American Muslin is elected president in my USA is the day pigs will fly! God Bless American and God Bless John McCain, you know him he fought for his country and spent 5 long years in a concentration camp for our country. That John McCain!

  16. I'm very sorry to see you spreading HATE om your blog. Very unprofessional.

  17. I don't think you have to worry about telling people to stay away Celtic- no self respecting person would come back in here! Hate breeds more hate! I will never come in here again. The only reason I came tonight was to comment on how appalling the alpha was! YOU SHOULD SHOULD BE ASHAMED! I certainly hope you don't teach your children that hate is acceptable behavior. Shaking my head! I read over the comments again, I am sickened by the hate that is oozing from every corner this place. And you people think its funny. And encourage her to spread this swill. You are not brave, or strong, or talented for that matter. And for the record I am not a religious freak as someone referred to, I am an average hard working american woman. That will spread the word to all of my friends in my groups not to waste their time in this hate filled den of iniquity.

  18. When former Secretary of State, Colin Powell, commented last week that he was troubled by his fellow Republicans who spread the falsehood that Obama is a Muslim, he added: "The correct answer is, he is not a Muslim, he's a Christian. But the really right answer is, what if he is? Is there something wrong with being a Muslim in this country? The answer's no, that's not America. Is there something wrong with some 7-year-old Muslim-American kid believing that he or she could be president? ... This is not the way we should be doing it in America."

    That's about the extent of what I have to say about the political angle-- other than a mild agreement that hate is a rather strong verb and adds an unnecessary tone of argumentum ad hominem.

    What I want to know more about is this astral projector! Is that some kind of gizmo that will get me to Heaven?

  19. It breaks my heart that God has blessed this country with such abundance and such freedoms as being able to speak our mind to then abuse it so greatly. What happened to love ... tolerance...acceptance...
    forgiveness...kindness. Be grateful that we can vote...that we have choices...none of the candidates are perfect...but then neither are we. It is good to respectfully point out what we like or dislike about what the candidates are telling us but in the past dozens years the Press, Hollywood and politicians have turned their tongues into a bunch of vipers and it is sadly rubbing off on the rest of us.What are we teaching our children when we spew nothing but hatred. Remember people came to this country for freedom of religion (all religions)...this country was built on Christian-Judeo principles and if we bother to look at the back of our money we are so fond of it reminds us that we are The United States of America and it is In God We Trust.
    I'm sure the terrorist are delighted because America has forgotten that 'united we stand...divided we fall'. May we all rethink how we give our opinions using wisdom and respect... for our candidates are Americans just like you and me. May God Bless the USA.

  20. I think you opened up a can of worms! Hate is a strong word but it's not any worse that the STUPIDITY I read from Elizabeth and a few other Bible Belt crazies.
    I'm totally disappointed that so-called sane Americans can honestly believe that Obama is the anti-Christ! What kind of crap is the church shoving down her throat?! I'm still trying to get over the fact that George Bush was reelected, and to think there's a possibility of another republican being the president is totally alarming to me. Don't you people know that this whole war thing is about oil?!! If I believed there were a God I'd be praying for some sanity to return to the USA!

  21. I know this is an old post, but I have to say that I couldn't agree with you more. The woman is a true Cruella Deville. If she ever gets in the Presidential office, I'm moving to Canada.

    Also, I think it's very sad that other have attacked you for posting your opinion on your own blog. LOL! Just amazing!

  22. OMG what a hate-filled thing to do and post!! You should have kept this one to yourself. I do not see the humor and up to this point appreciated your "work". It's not that you're being "attacked" for your opinion - it is however, tasteless ... it's more than that ... this was so unnecessary!

    Q: How can any of you hate someone you don't even know? Hate is evil from within.

    Signing off as anonymous only because I don't have one of the available ID's!

  23. Great work on your alphas, and I aint paying attention to any of those comments above. You have a right to your feelings.

  24. Thanks for the Alphas, and I will say something about what has been written above. Thank you for a President that is robbing from your kids who will have to pay back what Obama stole from them. Thank you for a President that surrounds himself with admitted communist and deserve what you will be getting. Thank you for turning the country over to the U.N. and others that are out for the destruction of the USA. Be careful what you wish for,it just might come true. Wake up and realize this effects you, your kids,grandkids everyone here in the USA. If you do not live in the USA then of course you don't care. It will in fact effect your economy. There is hate all over deal with it. Do you think Obama cares for you? Think again because you are so wrong.

    You should have a separate blog for this stuff. Don't mix politics with a good thing. You will soon lose people coming to your site fast.

  25. They're anonymous because their education is so poor they can't spell their own name, perhaps? Thank you for having the courage to try to tell the uninformed the truth--too bad they'd rather listen to some bombast on am talk radio for their view on the world that is so patently two dimensional hyperbole. Oh Great Unwashed, you should check the records, not listen to bible-thumping morons. ps--I was raised Anglican, calling me a muslim as though it should somehow be used as an epithet won't work on me either, only further proves your own willful ignorance, dear Anonymous, pmsl---loves ya Spencer, I'll never miss a word you have to say again!
