
Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Troubleshooting Scripts

These are screenshots of common problems that occur when using scripts in Paint Shop Pro. I have assembled screenshots that I use when helping people.

Problem A - JascApp vs. PSPApp
A common problem with PSP scripts is version compliance. Scripts written in PSP 8 and PSP 9 use a module called JascApp. Scripts after PSP X use a module called PSPApp. When a PSP X or higher script is placed in the Scripts-Restricted folder and used in PSP 8 or 9, it will produce an error "This script has attempted an operation that is not permitted in a restricted script. This script may be run by moving it to a trusted directory."

When the script is moved to the Scripts-Trusted directory and the person tries to use it, another error is produced, "This script could not be loaded."

This error can be easily fixed by changing the PSPApp module to the JascApp module. This is steps 5, 6 and 7 in my Color Customization tutorial.

Problem B - Case Sensitivity
Paint Shop Pro scripts use the Python interpreter. This means that Paint Shop Pro scripts are case-sensitive. You will also get Problem A if you use some variation of Jasc like jasc or JASC or even jASC.

Problem C - Editor Problems
Sometimes, in foreign versions of Paint Shop Pro (like Dutch, Swedish and German), after the script has been editted in Notepad, it will not run. In some languages, Notepad will leave strange characters in the script file that will prevent it from working in PSP. The solution to this problem is to change the default Script Editor in Paint Shop Pro to WordPad.

The Script Editor is located in File > Preferences > File Locations. In the dialog on the left-hand side, find Python Source Editor and click on it.

Change the executable pathfrom "C:\WINDOWS\NOTEPAD.EXE" to "C:\Program Files\Windows NT\Accessories\wordpad.exe"

Once the default editor has been changed to WordPad, the user needs to remember to save the script files as text.

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