
Saturday, August 2, 2008

Checking Program Version in Scripts

One of the problems with scripts is that Paint Shop Pro is not completely backwards compatible.  Between PSP X and X1, Corel changed the names of brushes, gradients and preset shapes.  Therefore, a script which works in X1 and X2 may not work correctly in 9 and X.  It is possible to have the script check for the program version and then switch between the old name for a brush, gradient or preset shape and the new name using an if statement.  The GetVersionInfo command returns the following keys: BuildType, MinorVersion, MajorVersion, MicroVersion, BuildNumber, VersionString and Program.

The following code snippet will provide the version of the program and place it in the variable 'version'.

   VersionInfo = App.Do(Environment, 'GetVersionInfo')
   version = VersionInfo['MajorVersion']

Insert the snippet after Do(Environment) at the beginning of the script.

def Do(Environment):

The variable 'version' can then be used to set variables for use in the script.  For example, to switch between custom brushes.

   if version == 9:
      brush = u'Marble2'
   elif version == 10:
      brush = u'Marble2'
   elif version == 11:
      brush = u'Corel_01_029'
      brush = u'Corel_01_029'

Then, replace the CustomBrush string in the brush command with the 'brush' variable.

    # PaintBrush
    App.Do( Environment, 'PaintBrush', {
            'BrushTip': {
                'Shape': App.Constants.BrushShape.Custom, 
                'CustomBrush': brush, 
                'Size': 500, 
                'Hardness': 100, 
                'Step': 32, 
                'Density': 100, 
                'Thickness': 100, 
                'Rotation': 0, 
                'BrushVariance': {
                    'SizeVariance': App.Constants.VarianceMethod.Pressure, 
                    'SizeJitter': 0, 
                    'OpacityVariance': App.Constants.VarianceMethod.None, 
                    'OpacityJitter': 0, 
                    'DensityVariance': App.Constants.VarianceMethod.None, 
                    'DensityJitter': 0, 
                    'ThicknessVariance': App.Constants.VarianceMethod.None, 
                    'ThicknessJitter': 0, 
                    'RotationVariance': App.Constants.VarianceMethod.None, 
                    'RotationJitter': 0, 
                    'ColorBlendVariance': App.Constants.VarianceMethod.None, 
                    'ColorBlendJitter': 0, 
                    'HueVariance': App.Constants.VarianceMethod.None, 
                    'HueJitter': 0, 
                    'SaturationVariance': App.Constants.VarianceMethod.None, 
                    'SaturationJitter': 0, 
                    'LightnessVariance': App.Constants.VarianceMethod.None, 
                    'LightnessJitter': 0, 
                    'PositionJitter': 0, 
                    'UseScaledPositionJitter': False, 
                    'ImpressionsPerStep': 1, 
                    'FadeRate': 100
            'Brush': {
                'Opacity': 87, 
                'ContinuousPaint': True, 
                'WetLookPaint': True, 
                'BlendMode': App.Constants.BlendMode.Multiply
            'PrimaryMaterial': App.Constants.MaterialRef.Foreground, 
            'ForegroundMaterial': {
                'Color': (128,128,128), 
                'Pattern': None, 
                'Gradient': None, 
                'Texture': None, 
                'Art': None
            'BackgroundMaterial': {
                'Color': (128,128,128), 
                'Pattern': None, 
                'Gradient': None, 
                'Texture': None, 
                'Art': None
            'Stroke': [
            'GeneralSettings': {
                'ExecutionMode': App.Constants.ExecutionMode.Default, 
                'RandomSeed': 77296609, 
                'AutoActionMode': App.Constants.AutoActionMode.Match, 
                'Version': ((12,0,1),1)

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