
Thursday, May 19, 2011

Chipboard Texture

I could not find a tutorial on how to make a chipboard texture and I was fiddling with some chipboard actions so I wrote down these steps for my own reference.  I'm not sure if this looks like real chipboard but it does look like chipboard on some digi-scrapping chipboard elements that I have seen.

1.  Open a new canvas the size of your final chipboard element.  I like to make alphas so my chipboard is 3000 x 3000 so that I can use it for a whole sheet of letters.

2.  Fill the canvas with the color of your choice.  I used #b5a49a.

3.  Duplicate the layer (Layer > Duplicate Layer).

4.  Add Noise (Filter > Noise > Add Noise).

Amount = 30%
Distribution = Gaussian
Monochromatic = Checked

5. Add Median Noise (Filter > Noise > Median).

Radius = 1

6.  Sharpen the edges (Filter > Sharpen > Sharpen Edges).

7.  Use the Spatter brush stroke to turn the irregular dots into small squares that look like squashed chips (Filter > Brush Strokes > Spatter).

Spray Radius = 15
Smoothness = 10

8.  Go to the Blend Modes (either on the layer palette or Layer > Layer Style > Blending Options) and change the blend mode for the current layer to 'Soft Light'.

9.  Merge the layers and the texture is complete.